Earn A Premium Selling With Parcel

Earn more from buyers looking for sustainable, organic, or other crops grown with specific practices. View, accept, and manage premium offers from buyers in the Parcel marketplace.

How it works

Farmers are earning premiums for their sustainably grown crops. Learn how farmers can benefit from and contribute to sustainability goals for Ethanol Producers & CPG’s using Parcel’s Platform

Step 1: Offers

Buyers present a premium offer to growers through Parcel for Low Carbon Feedstock or other sustainable cropping practices.

Step 2: Source

Growers respond to offers with their crop details, practices, and readiness estimates and how much they are willing to deliver in exchange for the premium.

Step 3: Get Paid

Upon acceptance, growers deliver the crop to the buyer, share cropping practice details through the platform and receive payment.

Get paid more for your crops

Premium Offers
Buyers who are looking to improve their sustainability goals are offering premiums for crops grown with specific practices.
Tax Incentives
Feedstocks grown with low carbon emission practices enable biofuel producers to generate tax credits under section 45Z of the Inflation Reduction Act and share the savings with you.

Ready to dive in?

Sign your business up today.

Have questions, or want to learn more about how Parcel can help you earn more from your crops? Reach out to our support team to learn more
Are you looking to purchase sustainable crops and want to learn more about how Parcel can help you find the right growers? Check out details for buyers to learn more
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