Discover Nuxt 3

Managing Grower Relations

Want to keep track of every field, when it is ready to harvest, and how yield and quality are shaping up?

Keeping track of your produce supply is a complex problem. You may have your own internal growing operations, and you may supplement with outside growers to round out your supply. As your demand forecasts change throughout the year, are you prepared to ensure you have enough supply?

How do you collaborate with your growers to get all your fruit delivered on time, and with the quality you expect?

Can they effectively communicate with you when fruit loads either exceed, or may come up short due to weather conditions or other factors?

Do you visit the field regularly? Do you find it challenging to remember how to get to the field?

Do you get emails with the latest lab results or field brix readings? Do you find it challenging to keep track of field readiness and the harvest schedule for multiple growers and dozens of fields?’s supplier management provides a free solution to collaborate with your growers, negotiate harvest dates, track field activities, and manage your total supply. Because the tools are free for both you and your growers, you can invite all of them to work together with you.

If you aren’t using it yet, you really need to check it out.