Integro Dusting Sulfur is formulated for the prevention of agricultural pests. Integro Dusting Sulfur controls fungal diseases including powdery mildew, rust, and scab. Integro Dusting Sulfur can also be used as a miticide to control a variety of mite species
EPA registration: 79702-1
Mode(s) of action:
Active ingredient(s): Sulfur (S)
Integro Dusting Sulfur may be applied via ground or aerial application. Disease control applications should begin when conditions are conducive to disease development and repeat applications may be made at 10 to 14-day intervals while weather conditions favor disease development. Mite control applications should be made whenever a significant population exists.
Sulfur is critical for forming plant proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. Sulfate is the plant-available form of sulfur and can be immediately taken up by plants. When applied via a foliar spray, sulfur can be used for pH correction in the soil and as a fungicide.