Farm Management Software

Parcel is the only farm management software where your internal operations and collaboration with trusted buyers, advisors and suppliers happens all in one place. Manage activities, sell your produce, purchase goods and services. All for the low low price of free.

Digital access to your trusted partners

Parcel is the only farm management application that is designed to enable you to manage both your internal operations, as well as collaborate with your trusted partners - buyers, advisors and suppliers.

Discover New Partners

Learn about disruptive new technologies that can unlock hidden potential. Connect with industry leading providers to assist your operations.

Manage Farm Operations

Parcel includes asset tracking, equipment maintenance, work orders, crop marketing and more.

Maintain Trusted Partnerships

Parcel connects farms and ag partners through a seamless online experience. Whether it's updating your buyer on crop maturity, scheduling a field visit, or getting advice from an agronomist, partner with people you trust. It's time to leave guesswork and phone tag behind.

Integrated Hauling

Set up reservations with your carriers, view a holistic plan for harvest, share details with buyers and communicate with your partners before and during the harvest process.

Ready to dive in?

Sign your business up today.

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